Core Concepts


Welcome to the Maudit documentation!

At the core of a Maudit project is the coronate function. This function starts the build process and generates the output files. It is the entrypoint to your project and is where you define the pages, content and options that make up your website.

In a file, import the coronate function and call it to build your project. Here is an example of a simple Maudit project:

use maudit::{coronate, routes, BuildOptions, BuildOutput};
use pages::Index;

fn main() -> Result<BuildOutput, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  coronate(routes![Index], vec![].into(), BuildOptions::default())

Registering Routes

All kinds of routes must be passed to the coronate function in order for them to be built.

The first argument to the coronate function is a Vec of all the routes that should be built. For the sake of ergonomics, the routes! macro can be used to create this list.

use pages::Index;


See the Routing documentation for more information on how to define routes.

